2024 Poisson d'Avril Contest Rules

OFFICIAL RULES – 70 th ANNUAL POISSON d’AVRIL CONTEST Please note that these “Rules” are less rules and more "guidelines" or "suggestions" - kind of like Boston traffic laws. I. OBJECTIVE: For radio amateurs worldwide to have a few laughs about contesting. II. CONTEST PERIOD. Contest comma: Oxford. Huh? You can look it up here , here , and here . Contest colon: Ours is fine. Make sure yours is . Oh, you wanna know when the contest is? OK…April 1. III. BANDS: We really like most of the British Invasion bands, especially the Beatles and Dave Clark Five. Not really into the Stones so much. The Blues Breakers and early Fleetwood Mac were also good. Kind of went downhill and lost the blues vibe when they let the girls in, but Stevie Nicks…right? Any band with Clapton makes the list. A lot of the California bands were great too, the Byrds, CSN+/-Y, Jefferson Airplane. And of course let’s not forget The Band – with or without Dylan. But in keeping wi...